André Dahmer
1974 —

Damn degenerate art,
link and ecoline<br /> 15,5x21,5cm

An artist must suffer,
acrylic on canvas<br /> 90x90cm

Diego and Frida,
ink and ecoline<br /> 27x29,5cm

The skin is a clothing,
paint on fabric<br /> 59x84cm

ink and ecoline 15x20cm

Car rains,
link and ecoline 30x42cm

Intellectuals orgy,
inc and ecoline 20x14cm


Ânimo, galera,
Marker on canvas,
André Dahmer
Rio de Janeiro, 1974.
André Dahmer is a draftsman, poet and artist, creator of the series Malvados, Comics of the 10s, Apostles, among others. Winner of four HQmix awards and a Jabuti trophy, he keeps strips in the newspapers O Globo and Folha de S.Paulo and is the author of the books Comics from the 10s and Life and work by Terêncio Horto (published by Comics na Cia.), Among others.
Related exhibition
Silvia Cintra+Box4
Acácias ST, 104, Gávea - Rio de Janeiro

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André Dahmer
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