Laercio Redondo
1967 —
Laercio Redondo
Paranavaí, Paraná , 1967.
Laercio Redondo, a Brazilian-born artist, received his MFA at Konstfack, University College of Art, Craft and Design in Stockholm, Sweden. In his artistic research Redondo engages extensively with collective memory and its erasure in society. His work is often based on the interpretation of specific events in relation to the city, architecture, and historical representation.
He is the recipient of various grants, among them the Akademie Schloss Solitude fellowship in Stuttgart, IASPIS residency program in Stockholm and also the Clark Art Institute – Summer Collaborative Working Group, Williamstown, USA.
His solo exhibitions include Relance/Recast, Pinacoteca de São Paulo (2018); Past projects for the Future at Dallas Contemporary (2016); Restauro (Restauration), Ana Mas Projects, Barcelona (2016); O que acaba todos os dias (What ends every day) at Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro (2015); Restauro at Die Raum, Berlin (2014); Contos sem Reis (Tales with no Kings) at Casa França-Brasil, Rio de Janeiro (2013); Fachada (Façade) (2013) and Lembrança de Brasília (Memory from Brasilia) (2012) at the Galeria Silvia Cintra + Box 4, Rio de Janeiro.
He has participated in numerous group exhibitions such as Tarsila e Mulheres Modernas no Rio (2015) and Josephine Baker e Le Corbusier no Rio – um caso transatlântico (Josephine Baker and Le Corbusier in Rio – a Transatlantic Affair) (2014), both at the Museu de Arte do Rio de Janeiro; Idea di Frattura – Opinione Latina / 2, Galleria Francesca Minini, Milan (2014); Amor e ódio à Lygia Clark (Love and hate to Lygia Clark), Zachęta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw (2013); The right to the city, Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam, (2013); The Insides are on the Outside, SESC Pompéia, São Paulo (2013); Bananas is my Business: The South American way, Museu Carmen Miranda, Rio de Janeiro (2011); Leibesübungen – Vom Tun und Lassen in der Kunst, Galerie der Hochschule für Bildende Künste, Braunschweig (2008); Bienal do Mercosul, Porto Alegre (2008).
His work is featured in collections such as the Museu de Arte do Rio, Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro, Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, and the Museu de Arte Contemporânea da Universidade de São Paulo.