Omar Salomão
1983 —
Omar Salomão
Rio de Janeiro, 1983.
Poet and artist. Wrote Pequenos Reparos (Small Fixes, José Olympio), Impreciso (Imprecise) and À Deriva (Adrift) (Dantes). Part of renowned exhibitions such as the 3rd Art Biennial in Bahia (Bahia, Brazil 2014) and the 18th International Contemporary Art Festival Sesc_ Videobrasil (São Paulo, Brazil 2013), as well as individual the individual exhibits: Nebula: a sombra das nuvens manchando a cidade (Nebula: shadow of clouds staining the city) (Oi Futuro Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro, 2015) Influxo (Influx) (Superfície, São Paulo. 2015), Turbulências são apenas nuvens no caminho (Turbulence are merely clouds in the way) (Mercedes Viegas, Rio de Janeiro. 2011), amongst others. With Heloisa Buarque and Bruna Beber he curated the exhibition blooks, (Oi Futuro, Rio de Janeiro, 2007) and with Anna Dantes the Biblioteca de Grifos de Waly Salomão (Waly Salomão’s Puzzle Library) (Biblioteca Parque Estadual, Rio de Janeiro, 2014).
He is currently working on Códices (Codex) with Daniel Castanheira, an acoustic art and books project, as well as the poetic spectacle Livre Reino Aéreo do Devaneio (Free Aerial Kingdom of Reverie), with Bruna Beber, Elisa Mendes and Castanheira. He has also created work as a scenographer, designer and composer.