Sebastião Salgado
It is with great pleasure that we open, starting July 15, the exhibition Amazônia, Sebastião Salgado’s second solo exhibition at Galeria Silvia Cintra + Box 4. After visiting Paris, Rome, London and other important cities around the world, Amazônia arrives for its season in Rio de Janeiro, taking place simultaneously at the Museu do Amanhã and at the gallery. The photographer, one of the biggest names in world photography, traveled through the Brazilian forest for 7 years, from 2013 to 2019, recording and paying tribute to the beauty of this extraordinary region.
The show is a dive into the heart of the Amazon: Twelve indigenous communities, the Amazon River, its tributaries, the dense rainforest and its mountainous borders. According to Salgado, the “Amazon is the last frontier, a mysterious universe of its own, where the immense power of nature can be felt like nowhere else on earth. Here is a forest that stretches to infinity that contains one tenth of all living species of plants and animals, the largest natural laboratory in the world.”
The message underlying the images, to call attention to environmental preservation, is an important theme for Sebastião Salgado, who, together with his wife Lélia Wanick Salgado, created Instituto Terra, a project that aims to recover the Atlantic Forest and restore nature after so many impacts resulting from environmental degradation.
In recognition of the work developed at Instituto Terra, in 2012, Sebastião and Lélia received the e. the e Award. Instituto e, UNESCO Brazil and the Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, and also the Award “Environmental Personality Award, WWF-Brazil. Sebastião Salgado has received numerous awards for his photographic works. He is a UNICEF Good. He is a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, an honorary member of the Academy of Arts and Science of the United States. He was awarded the “Order of Rio Branco in Brazil” and is “Commandeur de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres”, by the Ministry of Culture and Communication of France.
15/07/22 – 13/08/22
Hours of operation
Monday to Friday: 10am to 7pm
Saturday: 12h to 16h
Location: Rua das Acácias, 104 – Gávea
Phone: 21 2521-0426
Useful information
July 15, 2022
Exhibition period
July 15, 2022 a
August 13, 2022,
Monday to Friday: 10-19h
Saturday: By appointment only
Closed on Sundays.